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Katherine Hobbs

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  • in reply to: Joy School Facebook Group #5969

      Agreed, I’d love to see if there is a Facebook group as well. That’s right at your fingertips, so to speak, and you’re more likely to see it maybe?

      in reply to: Should I do Joy School for last child? #5970

        Thanks for the input, I think I needed to read this thread! Great testimonials :)

        in reply to: Forming or Looking for Joy School Groups #5971

          Hi there,looking for a group in India,specifically in Guwahati city,Assam…anyone interested?

          in reply to: Albuquerque, New Mexico #5972

            That is a little far for a group. Msybe you can find some Moms in your area who are open to a less structured group. Good luck! :)

            in reply to: Do you have any tips as how start a group? #5973

              Asking Mom’s you already know and associate with was a great idea, mhiser. I am trying to start a group but want to make sure that the kids/moms involved work well together. If you already have a friendship that is a great place to start.

              in reply to: General Joy School Discussion #5974

                Anyone have thoughts as to how joyschool would work if we held it one day a week for our 3 year olds, instead of the two days that is recommended?

                in reply to: General Joy School Discussion #5975

                  Has anyone here tried Joy School for siblings at home? I have a 4 year old and an 18 month old and I’m curious if this would work for them :) I’d love to know your thoughts and hear some stories!

                  in reply to: Mesa, Arizona #5976


                    Yes I found a group of 5 moms today. I don’t remember everyone’s name but they were amazing women. Did you find a group Jeni?

                    We met up today and my 3 year old is highly motivated to use underwear so he can go to Joy School. :)

                    in reply to: General Joy School Discussion #5981

                      What has worked for you for a

                      ☆ (durable) Joy School house?

                      ☆ Joy Boy puppet?

                      ☆ Gathering mat (for opening and closing)?

                      ☆ Gunny Bag?

                      ☆ Other materials?

                      Last year was my first time doing JS (besides when I was a preschooler), and here are some lessons learned about the materials.

                      We used a tri-fold presentation board (think science fair) for the house. It was pretty thrashed by the end of the year, with window flaps taped back on amd the cute bell portion at the top ripped completely off. The window flaps also didn’t stay open well. A wooden board would be amazing for durability, but I don’t know how to make the window flaps work better. We had velcro circles stuck on ours to try to help, but even that didn’t really fix the problem.

                      One mom in our group had a Joy Boy puppet from a previous JS group, and it was perfect! But I don't know how to make one myself.

                      Our gathering mat was a large blanket with big felt circles sewn on for the kids to sit on. They were big and far enough apart that the kids weren’t touching each other if they sat cross-legged on them. The front row and back row were misaligned so that the kids in the back didn’t have the other kids’ heads blocking their view. Ours had 8 circles, which worked well for our 6 JS kids plus the teacher’s younger kids. One thing I would change is making all of the circles the same color. Different colors are deffinitely cute, but kids fought (mildly) over their favorote colors almost every class.

                      My gunny bag is just fabric sewn into a bag shape. I’d like to add a face and drawstring but haven’t made the time. I’d like a great plan before just doing something quick.

                      in reply to: Bountiful, Utah #5982

                        I’m interested in joining or forming a group. I am close to Bountiful, Centerville, and West Bountiful! My son is 3 1/2,so I either would start this Fall or next.

                        in reply to: Bountiful, Utah #5983

                          @kellyklump and @sniksnoh9
                          How old are your kids? I’m in the same area and have a 3 1/2 year old boy.

                          in reply to: Bountiful, Utah #5984
                          Kelly KumpKelly Kump

                            My email address is My number is 801.960.7184.
                            We have two kids that are 3 1/2 (one boy, one girl) and one 4 year old girl. We will be meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays at about 9:15-11:15 am. We live by the Winegars that just closed down off of Orchard in Bountiful. Please contact me by email or text if you are interested. We would love to include you! I can give you more details if this is something that would work for you.


                              Hello! I’m looking for a group in Highland Alpine to join.

                              in reply to: Sacramento, California #5986
                              Jenny SarantisJenny Sarantis

                                I am also east of Sacramento and am interested in joining/creating a Joy School group for my 3 year old daughter.

                                in reply to: Forming or Looking for Joy School Groups #5990

                                  I live in West Jordan about 10 minutes away from day break and would love to start a group. I have a little boy who will turn 4 next month.

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