by Linda Eyre | Feb 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
Wow it was such perfect timing to leave a raging blizzard in SLC and go to see the Pothiers in beautiful green AZ! The main reason for going was that Shawni was being named The Arizona Young Mother of the Year It was truly a delightful event. I lost my camera so...
by Linda Eyre | Feb 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
Since a portion of the dues of our Valuesparenting family goes to aid for the third world through the Eyrealm Foundation, we thought you would be interested to see the good your money is doing in India! Just a few years ago the children in the pictures below had...
by Linda Eyre | Feb 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
Once a year the women of our family have a weekend getaway to relax, learn from each other and enjoy talking about the thing we think is most the most important career in the world…motherhood. We call it the Mothers and Future Mothers of Eyrealm or MFME. We have...