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Seven Motherhood Ideas that I Love!

Great Ideas for Mothers from our daughter, Shawni Eyre Pothier: I need to face it. My kids are going to grow up. And that’s already happening way faster than I feel ok about. I guess that’s why I latch on with all my heart to ideas I hear or come up with...

New Perspectives!

Back home! After a month and a half in Australia and China, I see Utah with new eyes. The blue sky (unless we are in downtown Salt Lake on an inversion day) for example, and the wide open spaces are refreshing after the smog and crowding of China. Mostly though, it is...

Thoughts on a Nine Day Week

by Richard EyreEver had a week where you gained two extra days? We all got an extra one on February 29, and I got another one by flying back across the International Date Line. It turned into a nine-day week for me.As I return from China, it is hard not to be...