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Prayerful Parenting

Prayerful Parenting

Lincoln said “Sometimes I am driven to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I have no place else to go.” As parents, we often feel this same feeling. Parenting is hard, children are complicated, the world is dangerous and confusing, particularly in...
Daily Thanks

Daily Thanks

Is there any time when it is more important to count our blessings than in a pandemic? Richard and Linda’s latest book, called Daily Thanks (coming out on September 15, but available now at Amazon, is designed to help us take a more deliberate approach to...
Joy School Stories That Teach Values

Joy School Stories That Teach Values

During Joy School’s 40 years, some beautiful children’s stories have been written to teach the joy of wonder, of imagination, of simple goal setting, of honesty, of confidence, and each of the other “joys” or values that kids learn at Joy...
The 8 Myths of Marriaging

The 8 Myths of Marriaging

“Marriaging” is an active, grow-and-improve word like parenting, and the Eyres’ latest book explores and exposes 8 myths or misconceptions about the world’s oldest institution of marriage and how false paradigms and unrealistic expectations of these myths can...
The Happiness Paradox/The Happiness Paradigm

The Happiness Paradox/The Happiness Paradigm

The paradox is that the three things we think will bring us happiness actually suck happiness out of our lives. This two-sided book is the most complete treatment of Richard’s paradigm shift from CO&I–Control, Ownership, and Independence to...