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The Happy Family (a four-phase course)

When we speak to parents, something we do almost every day (see speaking schedule), we take them through what we call the four-step sequence that leads to more responsible kids and to more balanced and fulfilled parents—in short, to happier families. It is a proactive strategy really, one that helps give you control of your family’s destiny; and you can view it as a four-part parenting course that can be taken right here on-line. The four steps or sequential phases are:

1. Nurturing. There are certain basic elements of a nurturing environment or atmosphere like communication and positive reinforcement and mutual respect that have to prevail in a home before any real teaching can be done. So that children of all ages can understand and adopt these elements, along with their parents, we have depicted each one with an animal symbol. These animal symbols and the stories and explanations that can make them come alive for children can be viewed and studied by clicking here, “Nurturing.” This is the first phase of the course.

2. Family Infrastructure. Like any institution that is intended to last and to give esteem and identity to its members, a family must have a basic infrastructure of laws, traditions, and responsibility-sharing. Putting this infrastructure carefully and solidly in place within a home takes time and effort (like constructing roads and bridges in a city), but once it is built, it saves time and benefits its members every day. After the nurturing atmosphere or environment of Phase I is established, it is time to install this family infrastructure as Phase II. You can get guidance and instruction for how to do it by clicking here, “Family Infrastructure.”

3. Month-by-Month Values. One key reason for creating a nurturing atmosphere and building an infrastructure of family responsibility is to get to a point where specific values can be effectively taught to your children. The most purposeful and proactive way to do this is to focus on one clear and specific value each month (Parenting-by-Objective). When an isolated, individual value is concentrated on (or Joy for preshoolers), opportunities to talk about it will crop up everywhere – from TV shows or movies to what happens at school or work. Click on “Value of the Month” to learn more about teaching one value each month. Click on “Joy of the Month” to focus on teaching one joy each month. Focused, purposeful teaching of one value per month (or one form of joy) is Phase III of becoming a better, happier family.

The “Joy School” preschool program is a great forerunner to teaching values.

4. LifeBalance. As parents work through the sequence of nurturing, infrastructure, and values within their families, they will feel the need to better balance their own personal lives so as to have the time and energy necessary to devote to their children and homes. Developing that personal life balance is the focus of Phase IV which can be pursued by clicking on “LifeBalance“.

We personally invite you, as a fellow parent, to undertake this four-phase course and promise you that it will lead to a happier family and to more responsible children!

All the best,

Richard and Linda Eyre