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Turning Teen Mirrors to Windows

Raising Teenagers

No one needs to tell a parent how turbulent and unpredictable the teenage years of their children can be! What is remarkable though, and what very few parents have realized, is that virtually all “teen problems” from extreme shyness and withdrawal to aggressive rebellion and acting out stem largely from an intense self-centeredness which can be modified or eliminated and even prevented by a program we call “Turning Teen Mirrors Into Windows.”

The key words in that last sentence were “even prevented.” If you have a young teen or pre-teen, the mirrors to windows program is the best proactive step you can take to prevent the part of “teenage-hood” that we all want to avoid. And the great thing about this program is that it’s fun, both for you and your child. Click on the items on the right to see a sample of the program and to find out how to sign up.

Program Outline

Sensitivity or “extra-centeredness” (the ability to think about others rather than self) is the antidote to most teenage problems. It can also be the preventative medicine that prevents many problems from ever occurring.

Mirrors symbolize self-centeredness and self-absorption. Windows symbolize empathy and sensitivity. The “Turning Teen Mirrors to Windows” program is a nine unit interactive course that gives parents the outline, the stories, and the methods to turn their teen’s mirrors into windows. Each unit takes a month. You can view the first part of the first unit for free. If it looks worthwhile to you, you can register as a participant and go on.


Many parents have called their years with adolescent and teenage children “one crisis after another.”

Perhaps this is so. But it is well to remember that the Chinese character for the word crisis is actually a combination of two characters: one means “danger;” the other means “opportunity.”

We invite you, through this interactive teen parenting program, to view the teen and preteen years as both a danger and an opportunity. See them as a danger in order to be motivated to take your parenting task with great seriousness. But see them as an opportunity also – an opportunity to grow again with your children, to learn to love once again through them, and to “school your feelings” as you learn with them to exercise and implement sensitivity.

Outline and Sequence of Nine Monthly Units

The powerful quality of sensitivity (the antidote to virtually all teenage problems) can be developed in young teens and preteens by constructing the nine building blocks or skills or capacities that combine to turn mirrors into windows.

Part 1

  • Unit 1 Seeing
  • Unit 2 Listening and Visualizing
  • Unit 3 Congruence: “How Do I Feel?”

Part 2

  • Unit 4 Concern: “How Do You Feel?”
  • Unit 5 Empathy: “How Does He Feel?”
  • Unit 6 Expressing What We See

Part 3

  • Unit 7 Communicating What We Feel
  • Unit 8 Service
  • Unit 9 Anonymous Service

Finish Turning Teenage Mirrors to Windows Program

  • If you have paid for part one, you can complete the program (get parts 2 and 3) for just $15.