by Linda and Richard | Aug 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
You know, we just don’t thank you often enough as ValuesParenting members and followers, for your support and for your diligence in prioritizing family and being what we think of as a real movement for strong families, joyful kids, and balanced lifestyles. So thanks!...
by Linda and Richard | Aug 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
As many ValuesParenting followers know, several of our daughters are bloggers, and when you have a public “mommy blog,” you had better have a thick skin because not all your feedback will be positive. There are trade-offs. On the one hand you may influence others for...
by Linda and Richard | Aug 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
It’s a hectic time of year, getting kids back in school and all that goes with it! In the process, don’t forget the preschoolers! (We don’t mean that literally, although we did once leave a kid at a gas station inadvertently and had to double back pretty quickly!) But...
by Linda and Richard | Aug 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
Did you know that Joy School now costs families less than it did 10 years ago—even less than it cost 20 years ago? How does this happen? How can this popular preschool curriculum—this do-it-yourself-preschool and mothers’ group actually go down in price while...
by Linda and Richard | Aug 1, 2016 | 10 Best Parenting Ideas
While we often think of parenting as a collective thing—as “doing things with our kids”—in actual fact the most real and effective parenting is done individually—one parent with one child. It is this one-on-one time that is the focus of best-parenting-idea-number 8....