by ValuesParenting | Aug 27, 2007 | Uncategorized
An inexpensive and fun way to provide the best pre-school experience for my child.Cynthia A., St.George, UTI have been a joy school mom for four years. Teaching my two sons I believe I am a better parent by participating in this program. My boys have loved the program...
by ValuesParenting | Aug 15, 2007 | Uncategorized
There are many activities and examples of things you can do as a family to build courage on Here’s one activity you can try:This activity will help children begin to relish rather than resist hard challenges. For this game set up two sides...
by ValuesParenting | Aug 15, 2007 | Uncategorized
Hard to believe that school will beginning for some in another week. Remember Joy School pre-schools begin in September and it is time to get your Joy School group set up. All you need for setting up your Joy School pre-school is found on...