by VP Admin | Mar 25, 2019 | Weekly Parenting Tip
Are “school” and “education” synonymous? Or is education a much broader and much more important concept than school? Is it possible that sometimes the routine and concentric learning of schools actually get in the way of real education—as in the case of the parents...
by VP Admin | Mar 18, 2019 | Weekly Parenting Tip
Attitudes are remarkable things. They determine much of our success, our capacity, and our happiness. If we have attitudes that are negative or that cause us to prioritize the wrong things, or that are based on false premises, they undermine us and hold us back and...
by VP Admin | Mar 11, 2019 | Weekly Parenting Tip
Most parents worry a lot these days about the entitlement attitudes they are giving their kids–but maybe we don’t worry enough about the flip-side of that–about how to give our kids grit, which is the opposite of entitlement. Grit means self-reliance...
by VP Admin | Mar 4, 2019 | Weekly Parenting Tip
Most of us think of goals in relation to Achievements—goals for our careers, for our grades, for our finances. But there is another kind of goals that is even more important—Relationship Goals. Achievement Goals are usually qualitative—they are set and can be measured...