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Should I do Joy School for last child?

Home Joy School Forums General Joy School Discussion Should I do Joy School for last child?

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      This year I will have my last (6th) child at home. I have done home preschools but never joy school. A friend wants to do a group. Is it worth paying for when I will only be using it for one, maybe two years? I should have joined earlier!


        I have the same question. I’m wishing I would have done it with my 5-year-old who is starting kindergarten now.

        Stephanie GreenStephanie Green

          Yes! I absolutely think this program is worth every penny, even if used for only one child. I think it helps to think of the life-long benefit rather than one-time monetary cost: Your child will be taught values at a critical learning period in life, make friends, and have joy. And I have really enjoyed being apart of my children’s preschool learning experience!


            I have wondered the same thing but came to the conclusion that it is never too late to start. Yes, I wish I had started joy school with my oldest but my youngest can only gain from the joy school experience. The cost really is minimal when compared to other preschools. I looked at sample lesson plans and that helped me decide to go ahead and do joy school. The lessons are so well planned and teach valuable principles. Good luck with your decision. :)


              Another thing to consider is that you can do joy school for grandchildren or nieces/nephews someday as well. So it doesn’t have to be for just one child.


                Thank you for the responses. That is helpful to hear. I still have fun, happy memories of when I was a child going through the Joy School program. I’m grateful my mom chose this route.


                  Thanks for the input, I think I needed to read this thread! Great testimonials :)

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