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How did Alexander’s Amazing Adventures come about?

Two decades ago when our book Teaching Your Children Values became the New York Times #1 Bestseller, we knew how universal the need and the desire is of all parents to help their children develop and internalize the values that will protect them and maximize their...

What is the objective of the Alexander Series?

Simply put, the goal is to effectively teach children one basic, universal value each month is a way that they “really get it” and have a desire to practice it. We believe that kids don’t learn values by chance and they don’t automatically absorb the values we want...

How many values are there and what are they?

There are 12, so that each family can concentrate on one “Value of the Month” every month of the year. The values are: Honesty Loyalty and Dependability Respect Love Unselfishness and Sensitivity Kindness and Friendliness Courage Peaceability Self-reliance and...

Can you start with any of the values?

No. All families should start with the Honesty adventure, partly because it is the “foundation value” on which the others rest, and partly because that is where the Alexander story begins and where kids get familiar with the characters for the other value adventures....

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