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An extensive effort has been underway for several months to locate the most positive and family-helpful Social Media and websites. It is all part of the Annual Family.Is Social Media Awards, to which the Eyres have lent their names.

As parents and as marriage partners, we worry about the negative effects that our small screens can have on our kids–and on us! We know there are some good, family-strengthening websites, podcasts, YouTube channels, blogs, and social media, but how do we find them and narrow it down to the very best and most helpful ones? Well, as the Eyres announced this past week, A panel of reviewers and judges has sorted through hundreds of nominees for the Family.Is Social Media Awards and come up with 10 finalists in each of the six categories. (blogs, websites, podcasts, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook).

Richard and Linda challenge all of us to go to vote for our favorites, but more importantly to go through the sites listed there as finalists and pick out and follow the ones that resonate and that will help us most with our own families.

For more detail on positive, family-helpful Social Media and for the full story on the Family.Is Social Media Awards, listen to the Eyres’ latest Eyres on the Road podcast.
