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The 12th book Richard and Linda wrote was about the principle of Sabbatical—the natural way that the seventh day or the seventh year can renew and refresh and improve our existence. Thinking of Sundays not only as a change of pace and a time to rest, but also as a time of powerful review and re-creation can make a huge difference in our lives as individuals and in our family life as parents and partners.

This week in their Eyres on the Road Podcast, the Eyres discuss how important Sundays can be in keeping families on track and in helping children learn to set goals and communicate better with siblings and parents. Thinking of the Sabbath not only as a day of rest but as a day of renewal and re-creation can give families a fresh start each week and allow parents and children to “spiritually create” the week ahead before it happens. Holding “Sunday Sessions” as a family where the schedule is reviewed concerns are communicated can draw everyone closer together.

Richard and Linda suggest several methods and ideas for making Sundays a special, anticipated day that children look forward to rather than a restrictive day that they resent. Living the Sabbath in this way can be a great simplifier and clarifier for families that make the deliberate effort to make each Sunday a positive family experience.

Of all the self-improvement ideas ever conceived, the best and most complete is the concept of the Sabbath Day.

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