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We will be using the Summer to review the Top Ten Parenting Tips here and on Social Media (Instagram @richardlindaeyre, Facebook @richardlindaeyre, and Twitter @richardeyre), where we will post a one-minute video each week reviewing one of the Top Ten.

You can also access these videos from the YouTube section on the ValuesParenging homepage. We encourage you to have a goal this summer to get all 10 of the top 10 implemented in your family. You can look down this list of posts go get more how-to information on each tip in the form of links to articles, podcasts and other ways to help on each of the 10 ideas.

Then in the early fall, as school starts again, we will resume with the Top Twenty Marriage Tips.

Isn’t it fun to try to improve our efforts in our top priorities — Marriage and Parenting? We are excited if these tips help a bit as you try to do that in your family! Have a great summer!

We love you,
Richard and Linda