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Anyone else doing this solo?

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      I’m getting started a bit late and doing this by myself with my 4-year-old and 2-year-old if he wants. Does anyone have advice on how to make this successful for all of us? Thanks!


        Did you try this with your kids? I have a 4 yr old and 2 yr old as well, and don’t know if I will find a group in my area, so I would love to try it alone too. I would love to hear your thoughts if you gave it a shot!

        Sarah ArnesenSarah Arnesen

          I did this with my children when they were this age. I simplified the curriculum when I needed to. Sometimes I did this one-on-one with my daughter (she is older) while my son napped, and sometimes I did it with both of them. Sometimes my son would wander off and play, but my daughter didn’t usually get too distracted because it meant one-on-one time with Mom. My children loved doing the songs, stories, crafts, etc. The first few weeks I tried to do everything, but it got to be too much since I was the only teacher, and the class became too long for my kids. We figured out a better rhythm after a few weeks and learned to simplify to fit our family. I enjoyed the flexibility of being able to start something, take a break for a few hours if needed, and go back to it later.

          For anyone who may be considering doing Joy School on your own–don’t let your own worries keep you from doing it! You can do this! Being able to do it solo was a blessing for our family. The first couple of weeks may be hard at times, but that is true for so many worthwhile things that are new in our lives! You can do this!!


            I am doing this solo starting next month. It will just be myself and my 4 year old. I’ve wanted to buy this for years when my other kids were younger, but it wasn’t in the budget. We are in south central PA, and all my mommy friends of preschoolers already have them signed up for Preschool somewhere else. I’m so excited to do it though, I think we will have such a great time. @SarahArnesen thanks for the advice to not be afraid and to simplify as needed. I started reading the manual last night and totally started to feel overwhelmed, but we will adjust it to fit our needs. It will just be nice to have lesson ideas and some structure. Best of luck to any others heading into this alone. Maybe we can be a support to each other via this forum.


              Thank you for the replies! My plans got derailed by a challenging and unexpected pregnancy. I did not have the energy to even think about opening lessons.
              Boy #4 arrived in May, so I’m not sure how I’m going to approach this, but I’ll do what I can.
              I’m trying to decide if I will do it with only my 3 year old, or wait until his older brother gets home from kindergarten. I think he could still benefit.
              Good to know I’m not the only one attempting this solo. And I love the idea of being a support to each other through this forum.
              Best of luck to all of you!

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