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Every year in August and early September we have a huge rush of families signing up for Joy School and scrambling to get Joy School groups going.

It is a good idea to try to get started in July because it allows time to get a Joy School group set up, get the materials ready, and do the scheduling of who will teach when once the school year gets going.

Still, summer is busy and it’s hard to find time. So, we wanted to give you a little extra incentive by announcing an Early Bird Joy School Sale.

For 10 days (July 18-28), all Joy School memberships, Joy School 2.0 and 1.0 curriculum, and auxiliary material (storybooks and Kindergarten Readiness) are on sale for 10% off.

Simply go to the Joy School Order Page and use the coupon code EARLYBIRD when you place your order.

Feel free to share the coupon code with other members of your group or anyone else who you think will benefit from this sale.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!
The Joy School Team