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Whatever stage of life we find ourselves in, and whether we are parents or grandparents, we all need encouragement, ideas, and resources to help us do our best with our highest priority—our families! We want to provide quick and reliable family ideas and “best practices” that will help you navigate the never-easy path of raising children.

We’ve mentioned before that our mission statement at ValuesParenting is to fortify families by celebrating commitment, popularizing parenting, validating values, and bolstering balance.

But the more personal way to state our objective is just to say that we want to be a resource to you! Parenting can sometimes be a pretty lonely business—it can seem like no one else has quite the challenge you do with your children. It can be tiring and discouraging.

We want ValuesParenting to be a community of commiseration, a gathering place for parents who want to be the best but know they have a long way to go. We want to be a resource of programs to teach your children what you most want them to learn—Joy…Values…Responsibility. We want to be a personal growth resource to you also, sharing ways to better balance work and family and to take better care of yourself.

We want the resource of ValuesParenting to always be no-cost or low-cost. In addition to the many programs and ideas on the website, we try to share everything we are doing elsewhere through the links listed in the “Richard and Linda Eyre” menu at the top of this site. We want you to be able to read articles, listen to radio, or watch TV stuff we are doing and have access to any other things we can pass on that might make a parent’s life better (and perhaps even a little easier).

So in addition to the parenting programs like Joy School and the Teaching Children Values program and all the other specific parenting helps, be sure you are taking advantage of all the other current things that you can access from this site. Read our latest articles, listen to our latest radio show, or watch our latest TV segment. Go to Eyres’ Free Books where you can get nearly half of our books for free. Go to where you can get our newest books for roughly half price with the coupon code EYREALM2016. Visit blogs and other things we are doing as a family.

We will use this blog to share other ideas as they come up. Again, we want to be your resource! We are so glad to have you as part of the ValuesParenting network of friends–all of us trying to do our best at life’s most important business–our families!