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We have long wished for a way to make our newest books available to friends and family at a discount, and we have now negotiated a coupon code with our publisher that makes this possible. Use the code EYREALM2016 when you go to and you will be able to get any three of our four newest books for $30 with free shipping.

Our goal, at this stage of our lives, is simply to get anything we have written to anyone who will be helped by it with the least cost and the least hassle. Many of you know that most of our older books (still relevant we hope) are now available for free on this page, and now we are happy to also be able to get our very latest books to you who have been loyal friends and followers over the years at a special deep discount.

We feel like, with a lifetime of experience, we are now doing our best writing, and we want to share what we have learned with other parents and grandparents through these four latest books. Read a little synopsis of Life in Full, The Thankful Heart, The Half-Diet Diet, and The Turning at We hope you enjoy them and we hope they have a positive impact on your families and on your life!

Love from our house to yours,
Linda and Richard