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The second semester of Joy School starts on February 1 and it includes some of the most exciting and fun-to-teach Joys! If you are already doing Joy School, you can now download the first lessons for the second semester. And if you have not started Joy School yet, this is the perfect time to do it! You can sign up for Joy School 2.0, do the introductory unit in January, and be ready to go with the second semester by Feb. 1. (The second semester is as good a place to start as the first semester.)

We are so happy about the continuing growth of Joy School. More families started Joy School this fall than during any year for the last 10 years! The new lesson plans and the new Valuesparenting website have been a big hit and we are always grateful when we see so many new families finding the benefits and delights of Joy School.

Traditionally, it is during the early part of the new year that additional new families get signed up for Joy School, starting new groups or joining existing groups. January, as school resumes after Christmas, is a great time to start doing Joy School, and if you have preschoolers but have not been doing Joy School this fall, now is the perfect time to get registered and teamed up with other Moms so you can do the Introductory Unit in January and be ready to go with the Joy of Confidence unit as February begins.

And if you are already doing Joy School and started in the fall, this is the perfect time to invite other families to either join your Joy School group for the second semester or to reach out to friends and relatives who might want to have the New Year’s Resolution of getting their own children started in Joy School!

Thanks for all you do and for all we share as parents who want to give our kids the gift of Joy!

Love from our house to yours, and a Joyful New Year!
Linda and Richard Eyre

PS Also, there has been such a great response to Alexander’s Amazing Adventures for teaching Values to our children, that we have extended the special discounted price offer through January. If you are already a Valuesparenting member, sign up for Alexander until January 31 for only $60 for the full 12 units.