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This blog post is about two things: 1. The re-designed Joy School website we are all enjoying, and 2. How to get a free copy of the first edition of Teaching Children Joy by signing up for Joy School 2.0 by September 5.

So first of all, what a difference a site makes! Those of you who were tired of and even fed up with the old ValuesParenting site (pretty much everyone) have been so happy to go to and find a fresh, crisp, well designed and super functional new Joy School website, redesigned from stem to stern!

The thanks for this goes to our extraordinary son Josh, who, along with being the best elementary school teacher on the planet, is a fabulous web designer and operations manager for ValuesParenting. Thanks Josh, from everyone who uses the site, and we all look forward to the same design and function excellence on the remainder of the ValuesParenting site!

Now, about getting registered for the new Joy School 2.0 and getting a free book: It is true that the $20-off sale is over, but here is an equally good incentive for those who are not signed up yet and for the new Joy School group members that you will be bringing in: Until September 5, anyone and everyone who signs up for Joy School 2.0 becomes eligible to receive a free copy of the book that started it all. As you know, it was our book Teaching Your Children Joy that spawned Joy School, and we just happen to have several hundred first editions of that book which we would like to give out to anyone who signs up between now and September 5.

This first edition has exactly the same content as the edition still available in bookstores and on Amazon, but it also has vintage photos of the Eyre family when our own kids were Joy School age. So if you have ever wondered what Josh, Saren, Shawni, or any of the others looked like as little kids, this edition will tickle you. And it’s always fun to have a first edition of a book that has undergone multiple printings and editions for over 30 years.

It is simple to get it. Just enroll in the new Joy School 2.0 by September 5, and on September 21 you will receive an email with instructions on how to get your copy. All you will do is send us an envelope with the correct postage affixed, and we will sign and personalize your book and have it to you by October.

Love to you as fellow parents,
Linda and Richard