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It’s been a long time in coming, but we are finally ready to announce the first major revision and update of the Joy School curriculum! We are calling it Joy School 2.0. We are so pleased that we have been able to preserve the remarkable spirit and tone of the original Joy School lessons, which are loved by the hundreds of thousands of families around the world who have used them. But with the great work of Saren Eyre Loosli and Aja F. Eyre we have managed to completely update everything—the format, the organization, and the delivery. You will find them more modern, more relevant, and easier to use.

As you might guess, Joy School 2.0 will be easier to access on line, quicker to download, and organized in a more streamlined, easy to use format. What excites us is that it will now reach another whole generation of kids and moms and families!

Keep your eye on, where the new lesson plans will be finalized and ready for downloading by July 8.

Joy School dues will not go up! In fact, they will actually go down. Up until now, the membership fee was $50. and each semester (without CDs) was $60. for a total of $170. Now new members will simply pay $80 per semester of $150 for the full year and will automatically become full members of ValuesParenting (see member benefits here) upon payment of their second semester dues.

If you are already a member and have already paid for a full year of Joy School dues in the past, you can get the new 2.0 lesson plans units for one third price—only $25 per semester. If you are a member who has not yet done Joy School, you can get the new 2.0 units for $55 per semester. This is all reflected on the order page from the Joy School menu.

If you still have preschoolers, you will love Joy School 2.0. If you have family members or friends who have been waiting to try Joy School, now is the time!

Other parts of ValuesParenting will also continue to be improved and updated. The principles of teaching kids values or joy or responsibility have not changed, but new organization and easier access will insure that another whole generation gets the benefits and joys of one of the most wide spread preschool programs and family website programs in the world!