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As parents we tend to think of our years from Fall to Fall—from school start of one year to school start of the next year.  So we wish you a Happy New Year!  Lets make it the best year ever for our kids (and thus for ourselves!)
And this is a special New Year, because MANY great updates and changes are coming to Joy School and to ValuesParenting!  We are so glad to have you on board as a ValuesParenting member and fellow lover and supporter of all things family!
We are now into the long and thorough process of creating Joy School 2.0.  As this Joy School year progresses, you will see that we have eliminated and edited some of the old and dated aspects of the original Joy School (so you won’t be using stories that refer to pay phones or records anymore!)
And during the course of the year, we have a team of dedicated curriculum writers (who are also moms and 10 year veterans of Joy School) hard at work on a completely updated and revised Joy School curriculum for next year.  We will call it Joy School 2.0.
It will be organized better, take less mom-preparation time, include lots of new stories and new ideas, and be more modern and tailored to the world our kids grow up in today.
Equally important, the ValuesParenting and Joy School websites are going to be completely re-designed and updated.  Not only the function and capabilities of websites have changed—but also the needs and concerns of parents; and the new websites will reflect these new needs and the new world that our kids live in.
We see ourselves as your parenting consultants, as your family advisors!  ValuesParenting is a PARENTS website and we want it to be so relevant and so compelling that you visit it often, and take away just what you and your kids need.
We are totally excited about all of this, and think you will be too!  Spread the word!
Tell your friends!  Joy School lives!  ValuesParenting lives! And right NOW is the time to join and to be involved so that you will get to see all the improvements and changes as they come on line.
One Last thing,  Our new book, THE TURNING, has made it up to #2 on Amazon in the Marriage and Family category.  If you don’t have it yet, click here, The Turning.