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As we approach the end of yet another school year, it’s a great time to evaluate how our kids are doing and how we are doing as their parents!

We love approaching parenting deliberately, with purpose, pro-actively, and with a plan!

And we hope is helpful to you as you design your unique plan for your unique kids!

As we look through the member records, we are amazed how many loyalists have done Joy School but never gone through the 12 values of Alexander’s Amazing Adventures.  This is a truly great program that gives kids the amazing legacy of really understanding values and the benefits of living them!  Give it a look–and remember that you can get the first unit on Honesty for free.

And pass the link on to your friends who have kids that might also benefit!

We are continuing to grow at and really love this world-wide fraternity of parents who care enough to use and contribute to the programs.

We invite you to keep up with us and stay in touch with us by using the links in the yellow box on the home page of  Also, you can now get twenty or so of our books for free on

Have a great Summer!