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Those are common words this time of year, but we mean them with special sincerity to you as members of! May you have a joyous season and a wonderful 2011!

As our gift to you this year, we want to make you aware of some things we are doing as a family that we hope will be helpful to parents and family throughout this coming new year. Let us give this gift in 6 parts, each of which we hope you will check out:

1. Our weekly column called “Why the Family” which you can find each and every Monday at
2. Our other weekly column called “Mormon Parenting” (but its not really just for Mormons) which you can find every Friday at
3. Our blog at
4. And our “home blog” at
5. Our daughter Saren’s fabulous place where young moms gather at
6. Our daughter Shawni’s best in the country mommy blog at

Seriously, speaking parent to parent, these six sites are the best gift we can think of because they are gifts that will keep on giving as you strive to strengthen your family and to improve your lifebalance and parenting during 2011.

They are all interactive too, in the sense that you can add your inputs and comments and ideas and share them with other parents around the world!

Have great holidays and may 2011 be the best year yet for you and yours!

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