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As parents Richard and I are strong believers that with preschoolers, the Joy Quotient (JQ)is much more important than the Intelligence Quotient (IQ)! Sure it’s great to try to give your kids a head start in reading and math skills, but teaching them how to deal with emotional and social issues (among other joys) when they’re young is so much more important! Those are learned skills as well!

In a recent article in a news magazine, a study showed that preschoolers who start school knowing how to read do have a certain advantage over their peers, but by about 2nd grade those advantages seem to equalize and the more important issue is how good they are with social and emotional skills, which are exactly the things that are taught in Joy School!

It’s not too late to start a Joy School! If you are looking for a meaningful experience for your preschooler who you may have missed getting into preschool or if preschools are just too expensive for your budget or if you just want to make great joyful memories with your preschoolers who are only with you for “a blink” of time, go to JOYSCHOOLS.COM (note the s) for information on how to sign up!

There’s a one-time membership fee of $50 and then just $70 per semester for all the lesson plans (based on a two day a week 2 1/2 hour sessions) which include lessons, stories, games,plays and sensational songs that all support the “Joy of the Month.”all of which and can be downloaded from your computer. Have a great time with your kids and your friends and make memories that will be in your memory banks forever!

Have Joy!