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We hope you’ve had a spectacular summer!

If you’re a mom of school age children you’ve probably been totally preoccupied with getting school clothes and supplies ready. Whether you’re in year round school or are starting tomorrow or within the next two weeks, remember that when those kids are out the door it’s a perfect time to start or organize your Joy School!

Stacy will be in the office ready to help you set things up. If you don’t have her contact information just go to the “contact us” button on and you’ll be in touch!

Read some of these endorsements and pictures from Joy School moms and get excited about having an experience that your little ones will look back on as one of their fondest childhood memories! (more coming soon).

Last night I sat watching a slide show/video from this past year of Joy School and could only think of the wonderful things my children have learned this year, not just from me, but from other Moms that I look up to. This is my second year teaching and this year we participated with two different classes so my boys could each be with their own peers.
I love that my four year old has been singing “We are a Happy Family” and I didn’t teach it to him. That is not a value he will learn in public school.”

“I love that my five year old knows about responsibility, is willing to work and also understands consequences of our choices. Also things not specifically outlined for his public school next year.”

“While my two year old and 13 month old make for difficult teaching days sometimes, I am glad that they get to see their older brothers learning in our home and they get excited to join in now and then.”

“PLUS it won’t cost me more to teach them these lessons. I love how affordable your program is and that I can use it for all four of my children at the price of one!”

“The structure you have in your lessons is so helpful and we sing so many of your songs in our home on days we don’t even have Joy School (The Rule Song is one of many favorites)”

“Thank you for helping me make our home a ‘Joy’ful place and letting me see how fun it is to teach my own children, thank you for helping me open that door!”

Kati in AZ

“I am from Chicago. My experience with joyschool was with my siblings growing up since I have yet to teach it with my little boys. But I can remember it always being a happy place to go and I learned a lot of valuable life lessons with my older sister. I think Joy School taught me to love being me and to have a confidence and love for life that was essential for starting kindergarten without Mom around all day. Joy and the accompanying values can be a hard thing to instill in little people (or maybe preserve) but so essential for a happy life. Thank you!”

“This will be my first year of Joy School with my two oldest and I can’t wait. I love the option Joy School gives me of teaching character to my littlest ones – not just academics. I find my son and daughter picking up numbers, shapes, letters, and such on their own at their own pace but the values and joys seem to pass by with token acknowledgment in our frenetic pace to “get it all done”.

“Setting up a Joy School with other mothers I admire, with friends my children know and enjoy, to teach critical lifelong skills – not just rote memorization is thrilling! As I browse through the units and lessons, I am grateful for the tools you provide and the years of experience already at my fingertips.”

“I am confident I can do this, because I am not doing it alone. I am not an isolated mother scrambling to know what is most important to teach my children during these most critical years.”

“Thank you for providing a valuable option for the next stage in life of my children.”

“I am a first time Joy School mom, and at the end of this current JS year I have to say that I love Joy School!! It has been the greatest experience for me, my preschooler and my family. I learned about Joy School last August and after researching it on your website I knew that it was exactly what I was looking for! I quickly put together a group with two other moms and three other children. By the end of the year our group grew to six kids! I expected Joy School to be a neat experience but what I didn’t expect was how much my whole family would benefit from it. I learned so much about how to teach my family and to really enjoy life and family. At any age, I think everyone benefits from being reminded of all there is to be joyful about in life! Thank you for this wonderful program and for all that you do to help families!! “