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Can you believe that this is the 34th year that moms (and some dads and some grandmas) have been teaching Joy School? 

What a joy (no pun intended) it is to meet so many Joy School moms and families as we travel around the country.  I often say that only the best moms do Joy School!  It takes some extra time and effort and organization but everyone agrees that it’s worth it!   We can’t believe how many current Joy School moms now were once “Joy Schoolers” themselves… and can remember “Oh Boy, I’ve got Joy”, “Here Comes Gunny Bag” and “Snuggle Me Warm” from their childhood!
Since this is the time of year that many moms are thinking of organizing their groups for next year, a comment from a Joy School mom below has given us a good idea!

We are now running a new book give-away!  This time we will send a vintage copy of Teaching Your Children Joy to the top ten best endorsements for Joy School.  Please enter your comments on this blog and the winners will be announced on May 30th.  Lindsay, you will be our first winner for your comments below so please send us your address through the contact us button on 

“I love Joy School and the things it has done for my children and
wanted to thank you for your work in creating such a wonderful program.
Just the other day my 4 year old was telling me, “Mom, I want to make the
decision myself.” She had no concept of the word “decision” before our unit
on decision making. Now she uses the word all the time and has so much joy
in knowing and incorporating the concept into her life. This is the same
with all the other values and concepts she’s learned in other units. Thank
you, thank you!! It has been so rewarding to teach my children these things.”

Lindsay Clark

in Charleston, South Carolina

Please include the city you’re writing from.  If your comment is selected we assume that we have your permission to use it in our information materials for next semester.  We look forward to your comments!