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Saren, the Eyre’s oldest daughter and several other bright, creative mothers have produced a web site to support mothers who are in the thick of things…in the trenches so to speak of motherhood. Their exciting new web site can be accessed here

One of the many interesting and engaging programs that they have come up with is called Learning Circles. Here mothers who feel that they need some stimulating, intellectual and social interactions with other moms who are walking in “almost” their same shoes can get together and discuss stimulating topics each month that help them to be better mothers. All you need is a group leader who can gather a group of friends together for one evening a month to learn together, laugh together, inspire each other and in the process establish lifelong friendships!

If you’d like to get involved, now is the time to do it as they are offering a special price for those who register before February 1st.These learning circles plans and discussion topics are a result of hundreds of hours dedicated by smart mothers who have put their heads together to create some fantastic tools to help you do your most important job better!

For more information, go to To look at the topics that are offered, take a look here: And to learn what moms who are doing it are saying about it, check this out

This is a brilliant idea that could just change the way you look at your life as a mother!