What fun we’ve had exploring the stomping ground of our my (Linda’s) ancestors in Switzerland. My grandmother was born in Schiedrued, Aargau, Switzerland and though we’d been there 20 years ago, it was delightful to see that gorgeous place on earth and even find some long lost cousins! There can’t be a more spectacular country with kinder more welcoming people!
My Grandparents were Samuel and Verena Goldenberger and we found their little village still full of Goldenbergers! Many were in the graveyard of the church
But many were alive and well! It was so fun to meet distant cousins who were so welcoming and fun to know!
The town museum was filled with things from my great grandparents’ era and a delightful 86 year old guide who was the director of the museum, Herr Steppen:
Our next exciting spot was to meet the parents of a darling girl to whom one of our sons has just become engaged. They are set to be married on September 8th and we had a delightful time in her wonderful village meeting her amazing parents who speak 5 languages fluently!
Here we are excited to meet our new in-laws-to-be!
What a view from their front entry!
BEAUTY everywhere!
There is no way to tell that this is a tourist train wending beside the Rhine River about 3000 feet below the platform we were standing on!
After days filled with the grandeur of mountain passes and overnight stay at Lake Como in Italy we ended our Swiss journey in Interlaken, Grindelwald and Zurich!