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Since there are Joy School graduations going on all over the world, I thought it would be fun to post our daughter Saydi’s thoughts and some pictures of her own Joy School Graduation!  This is a little Boston crew:


"We had Joy School graduation last week, and boy, somehow over the past year these little girls have really grown up and got JOY. I love these girls (and luckily Charlie, our honorary member, has learned to behave himself more gentlemanly around them)."



"To her credit, I think Hazel really got the joy school concepts, and I love the Joy School concepts. I love the idea that kids should learn these important emotional skills before being pushed into the academic world of school. Joy School has given us a common language to talk about important things, things that she’ll hopefully draw on her entire life. I also love that Joy School has given Hazel a relationship with some amazing women. The other mom’s who taught with me have taught both of us so much. And I love that Joy School has taught me that I can do cool, crafty things with my kids. The lessons forced me to do things that I wouldn’t muster up the creativity or energy to do if I didn’t have it pushing me along."

Joy School does rock. (But I’m glad it’s over for now.)

