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Happy Mother’s Day to Our Valuesparenting Family!
One of the most unique components of the new book that our daughter Shawni and I (Linda) just released (A Mother’s Book of Secrets, Keys to Making Motherhood More Manageable, Meaningful and Magnificent) is a wonderful new website, just lauched for Mother’s Day by our oldest daughter Saren who is a passionate banner-carrier for Mothers in need of some inspiration and mental stimulation to BE the best they can.  With a click to, mothers who have read the book and have realized that they have a secret or two of their own they would like to share, can add to the pool of useful and inspirational secrets by just clicking on the picture of the cover of the book.  


Saren and several wonderful, resourceful and insightful friends who are accomplished women and outstanding Mothers have organized and are "manning" this unique new website that will help you become the mom you’ve always wanted to be.  The Power of Moms is designed to uplift and empower moms and offer them a new level of purpose and joy in motherhood and womanhood
The Mission of The Power of Moms:

  • Developing YOU – the person inside the mom (through interactive articles, podcasts, webinars, etc.)
  • Providing effective resources to use with YOUR FAMILY
  • Helping you reach BEYOND your own home to learn and share with other mothers (through contributing your own writing and ideas, setting up mothers’ groups, etc.)

Please check out the site by clicking HERE and SIGN UP for the free monthly email.  If you want to send an easy, free and meaningful Mother’s Day gift to your friends, send this information on to them or make up your own email and send them a link to the website.