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Here we are in one of the cleanest, largest, most well organized cities in Asia…Singapore.  In many ways it is the exact opposite of everywhere else we’ve been in Asia so far.  The government is well-run, the streets are immaculate and there is a fusion of cultures like no other…except maybe Hong Kong.  It is mostly a city for business…especially for banking so we’re wondering what will happen here in the coming months with this huge downturn in the economy.  We spoke to a lively group at the Raffles Town Club where we met people from all over the world…from the Netherlands to India, to Boston.

2008-11-08 Singapore 3859

2008-11-08 Singapore 3858

Yesterday we found an amazing museum where there was an exhibit called East meets West.  There we heard a concert of unusual Asian instruments played by amazing professionals that was delightful!


2008-11-09 Singapore 3878

2008-11-09 Singapore 3876

This instrument is made of made of bamboo painted white and with metal keys similar to a flute except that two notes can be played at once!

Last night we visited downtown where we took a ride on "The Flyer" which is an enormous ferris wheel that holds pods that hold about twenty people and goes so slowly that you can barely tell that you’re moving. It takes thirty minutes to go the whole 360 degrees and the spectacular sights of Singapore from the air will never be forgotten!

2008-11-09 Singapore 3883

2008-11-09 Singapore 3891

2008-11-09 Singapore 3917

Note the floating soccer field on the right.  There is a huge stadum farther to the right where the fans cheer.  What an amazing city!  There is no pornography, not even any poverty.  What a difference a good government makes!