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Last night we had a lovely dinner with our friends from the magazine company that we spoke to yesterday. We were privileged to be joined by the seventy eight year old founder Pia, who was the first to publish a magazine in Indonesia.  It is now a Magazine Empire.  They were a delightful group and the Indonesian food was spectacular!

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2008-11-2  Jakarta hosts and kids 005 Our wonderful friend and manager of the magazine on the left along with our YPO host Noni on the right (her company owns most of the 18,000 taxis in Jakarta). were such fascinating company.  Noni told us of being in the Marriott Hotel when it was bombed in Jakarta several years ago. A day she’ll certainly never forget!

Today we did our last seminar and then went to a delightful place in the biggest mall we’ve every seen…for kids called Kidzania.  Here we are with some the participants getting ready to go into something even better than Disneyland!  The kids could get money from the ATM with their entrance fee and then could choose to buy things or earn money at the many "businesses" therein!  So much fun for kids and parents alike!

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We are in the Four Seasons Hotel. Prince Charles just also happened to be here as well. We’re hoping he shows up at the breakfast buffet tomorrow!  

A fun tradition that here for wedding reception is that families send huge posters with fresh flowers attached to the entrance of the hotel. The women show up in gorgeous dresses and the posters stretch out all the way to the road and down the street. There were about fifty of these last night when we drove in.

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Jakarta is one amazing place!  We’re headed for Bali tomorrow.