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Although we don’t usually enter family “events” on the valuesparenting blog, we wanted to share a very special happening in our family this week with our valuesparenting family. Thirty yeaars ago Richard and I spent three years supervising 200 missionaries for our church in London. We loved our experience in this wonderful culture as did our little children who were 5, 4, 2 1/2 and 1 when we left. We also had the interesting experience of having two babies while we were there.

So many years have passed since then. When we got back to the US we added three more children and watched all nine blossom and grow amidst the mayhem as well as the magic of their childhood and teenage years. As each child has became “missionary age” (19 for young men and 21 for young women) each has served a mission teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and doing Humanitarian Service in their own turn. They have joined 50,000 missionaries in 335 missions all over the world. Our oldest daughters served in Bulgaria and Romania, two of our sons went back to England, and another daughter went to Spain. Our other sons served in Brazil, Chile and Japan. All declared their service to be the defining experience of their lives! They serve with no pay but the joy of serving with a mighty and courageous heart full of love for their Savior and for the people they serve.

This week it was our “baby daughter’s” turn to open the envelope from church headquarters which would tell her where in the world she will serve. (She will finish her education at Wellesley College in Boston in December and leave for her mission in January.) With two of her sisters at her side in Boston and the rest of us on a conference call we were all delighted and astounded to hear that she will be serving in the England London South Mission…the very same mission where Richard and I were all those years ago! We know what an amazing experience this will be for her as she serves in our beloved England for 18 months. This learning, stretching, growing, excruciatingly difficult and spectacularly rewarding experience will change her life forever!

We just wanted to share our JOY!

Opening the envelope!

Our three Wellesley Graduates Saren, Saydi and Charity (our new missionary)