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The American Mothers International sponsored a fun event on Saturday October 20, in Logan, Utah. “I Didn’t Plan to Be a Witch” was their theme. It was fun to dress the part along with the spectacular organizing committee! Based on those two editions of the book I wrote with the same name several years ago, we discussed the finer points of being a witch with about 300 magnificent mothers! We talked about five ways to be a better witch and five ways to work yourself out of a job! Fun was had by all!

Las Vegas was our next stop as we spoke to the International Entrepreneurs Organization about “Being the Parent and the Family You Want to Be”. It was an outstanding group of Entrepreneurs and their spouses from all over the world and we had a delightful interchange with many terrific families. I particularly enjoyed sitting by a couple from India one night whose marriage had been arranged, as most marriages in India still are. They were quick to tell us that after they met at a big family party, it wasn’t expected that they should make up their minds right away. They had two days to decide! They were such a happy young couple and I think Richard and I are convinced that arranged marriages are a great idea. We just can’t get the kids to agree!

After that we spent the weekend in Kansas City where again we had the opportunity to do a Parenting Seminar for our church members and their friends and neighbors. With about 1000 parents in two sessions, we had a fabulous time interacting with parents who are all fellow strugglers in this great adventure of parenthood!

The best part was that it was Richard’s birthday on Sunday and we spent the day luxurating in the leaves at the home of our friends the Hermes near Kansas City. The leaf traditions continues as all the kids jumped in their own piles wherever they were or sent leaves by mail. It is also a tradition to send Dad a poem on his birthday. Some were poemed-out so they sent their top ten things they like about their Dad. Their top ten included funny stuff, crazy stuff, scary stuff and deeply heartfelt stuff… all were a delight to read!

The chair pictured is the only thing we’ve found to make Richard look small. It’s good to feel small once in a while, don’t you think?

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