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Yes, The parent of every child who participates in Joy School is required to pay for the curriculum. Sharing logins or downloaded material, even within your own Joy School group, is a violation of our terms of use and is dishonest. Joy School is priced to make it affordable, and the membership fees not only cover the use of the curriculum, but also help pay for the considerable costs involved in maintaining the website, offering customer support, and providing continual program development. Please remember the curriculum can only be used by you for lessons that you and only you directly teach to your own children, your own grandchildren, and the children in their Joy School group whose parents have paid for their own separate subscription. It cannot be used by someone else to teach. For example, you cannot give it to your daughter for her to teach her children. She would have to pay for her own Joy School subscription. The parent of each child who is taught the Joy School curriculum needs an active Joy School membership for the version of Joy School that is being taught, even if they are not going to teach the curriculum themselves.

A Joy School membership allows individuals to have access to the materials to teach in a non-commercial setting. (For more information on commercial use of Joy School, contact us).

Instead of asking groups to form a co-op through Joy School and request a group subscription, Joy School many years ago discovered it was easier and simpler for parents to purchase the subscriptions separately. This benefits the members in many ways:

  1. Small groups are not priced out just because they only have a few children participating. Even groups with one or two children can still afford the curriculum. But even big groups of 6-8 enjoy substantial savings over purchasing the curriculum as a group or commercial membership.
  2. Each family has individual access to the materials, and should use it! Even if it is not your week to teach Joy School, we hope that you will review and discuss the lessons with your children. The songs are especially suited to at-home extension.
  3. When families pay for their own membership, they are usually committed, and commitment is vital to a Joy School co-op group!.