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Talk to friends, neighbors, acquaintances who have children your child’s age. Most parents start thinking about preschool programs a few months before their child turns three or about six months before school starts, so its important to start asking around before everyone is enrolled in other programs.

To make it easy for you, following is text you can copy, paste and personalize in an email to other parents you think might like to be part of your Joy School group:

Have you heard of Joy School? I’ve checked it out and it seems like a really great way to offer our children a really affordable and top-quality preschool experience. Over the past 40 years, the Joy School program has been used by over 200,000 families around the world and has recently been completely updated and enhanced. Joy School provides a group of 4-6 families with overall instructions and detailed lesson plans for two sessions of preschool a week (including music, crafts, stories and visual aids). Parents trade off teaching their collective children in their homes (so each parent in the group teaches every 4-6 weeks – depending on how many families are in the group). With Joy School, I love that parents get to be so involved in their children’s preschool education, I love that my children get to be taught by my trusted friends, and I love the price.

But the best thing about Joy School is the focus of the curriculum. The Joy School curriculum is centered on the concept that the goal of preschool education should be to help children be happy, well-adjusted and confident and that developing their various capacities for “joy” will set children up for success in school and beyond. Each month, Joy School focus on a different theme – some examples include the Joy of the Body, the Joy of the Earth, the Joy of Sharing and Service, the Joy of Honesty and Communication. You can read more details about the philosophy of the program and how it works by clicking here.

I would love for you to be part of the Joy School group I am putting together. I think you and your child would be real assets to our group and that you would really enjoy participating in Joy School. Please reply by _______ to let me know if you’re interested and if there are other families you can think of who may also be a good fit.

In addition, you can post a comment on our Joy School Forum, stating that you are looking for interested parents in your area.

Really, if you can find one other parent who is interested, you can put your heads together and think of other parents that the two of you can invite. Or you can start your group with just two moms and add others down the road if you like. No need for a big group! While 4-6 children is typical, 2-3 works great as well.

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