Thanks For Your Help to Third World Families
Just a word of thanks, and a reminder that 7.5% of all dues and memberships paid to ValuesParenting go as a direct gift from you to the Eyrealm Foundation, a public charity that helps with the needs of families in the third world.
For decades now, every time you or any ValuesParenting member pays Joy School dues, or Alexander’s Amazing Adventures dues or any other program or item or membership here, 7.5% comes off the top to go to this charitable foundation whose charter targets the needs of parents and children in the developing world.
Members of the Eyre family are constantly on the lookout for good causes that they and the foundation can become personally involved in. Over the last couple of years, for example, donations have gone to Orphanages in Bulgaria, Family Preservation projects in Mozambique, helping get water to 50,000 people in Ethiopia, and rescue efforts in Nepal (to name only a few).
We love associating you through ValuesParenting as we each strive to be getter parents, but we also love teaming up with you in these efforts to help parents and families less fortunate than we. Every little bit counts, and donated money gets much more “bang for the buck” in these poor places of the world. Please take a certain satisfaction, or at least a sense of involvement, in knowing that each time you pay your values parenting dues, this constant percentage goes to these good causes.
Love from our house to yours,
Richard and Linda