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What Manner of Man

(A weekly program for knowing and following Jesus Christ)

By Richard M. Eyre


Did the heavens close shortly after the Lord’s resurrection? Will not Christ correspond again with the world until his millennial second coming? The “yes they did and no he will not” answers of traditional some incomplete theologies are inconsistent with scripture and inconsistent with the reason and faith of a true Christian mind.

The Lord said there were “other sheep” whom he must bring, who must hear his voice. What a joy to know that he organized the teaching of his gospel to those in the spirit world (1 Peter 3:18, 4:6) and in other parts of the earth—even to the lost tribes of the Old Testament. In short, what a joy to know that Jesus’ gospel was and is for all men and that he, in his perfect justice, assures that all men of all ages have the chance to choose!

The Lord said to his apostles, “Lo, I am with you alway” (Matthew 28:20). What a joy to know that throughout the two thousand years since his resurrection (just as before) the effectual, fervent prayers of righteous men and women have been answered! What a joy to know that there have been no “dark ages” in terms of the light of Christ—to know that, even in times when an organized church of consistent truth did not exist on earth, individual seekers of truth could still seek through prayer and find the answers given by his light!

The Lord said that he would reveal his actions to the prophets (Amos 3:7), and he promised a restoration through divine messengers (Matthew 17:11). What a joy to know that through reformation and restoration he has (and continues to) replace the truth and light that men lose.

The Lord said he would come to usher in the Millennium (see Revelation 1:7). What a joy to know that we are preparing now, striving to prepare the earth for that day of days when he will begin his personal reign of one thousand years!

The Lord said he would judge the nations (John 5:22, 30; 9:39; 2 Timothy 4:1). What a joy (and ultimate comfort) to know that he—he who has descended below the depth of our own troubles and temptations, he who framed and implemented the plan and creation of this earth, he who loves us so much that he gave his life for us, he who is and always will be our brother—he will be our judge!