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What Manner of Man

(A weekly program for knowing and following Jesus Christ)

By Richard M. Eyre

Month 5: His Loyalty
“Thy will be done”


Evidences of humility and honor, of glory and gratitude, from Jesus the Christ to God the Father can be found on virtually every page of the four Gospels. Christ’s humility consisted (as ours should) not of fear or timidity, but of a profound understanding of his relationship with God.

Christ had a knowledge of God as his Father (which brought him confidence) and he had a knowledge of God as the designer, owner, and center of all (which brought him humility). In Christ, these two qualities (confidence and humility), which we often think of as opposites, were perfectly linked. In fact, they were fused into one metal of enduring hardness and strength.

In John 14:28-31 Christ explains that the source of his loyalty to the Father is his love for the Father. His love is perfect, and thus his loyalty is perfect.

Throughout his earthly ministry, the Lord reminded us of his profound understanding of his relationship to the Father. His phrases were “the Father’s will,” “the Father’s power.” When there was danger of someone not understanding this, the Savior stated it so strongly and dramatically that none could misunderstand: “I can of mine own self do nothing” (John 5:30); “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God” (Matthew 19:17); “the Son can do nothing of himself” (John 5:19).

He tied righteousness rightly and directly to seeking the Father’s glory (John 7:18). In this dispensation the same emphasis remains. The Lord revealed that only two things offend God: failure to keep God’s commandments and failure to confess God’s hand in all things.

Jesus Christ’s perfect example is the perfect teacher. Every word, every action, ever moment of his life and his eternity gives gratitude and glory to his Father—our Father.