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Comments Made About the Eyres’ Presentations

“The Eyres’ ideas for parenting and families are so vivid and exciting that they’re like a recipe. You want to go home and try it out!”
“This couple understands that happiness is more about relationships than about achievements. They made me re-calculate my priorities!”  
  “Ever since I saw Richard and Linda on Oprah, I’ve wanted to hear them speak in person. And they were even better in the flesh than on the small screen.”
“Linda Eyre understands the unbelievable stresses of modern motherhood. After listening to her, I feel like I cannot only do it, I can enjoy it.”
  “Like so many parents, I’ve always loved the Eyres’ books, but hearing them speak was even better.”
“Richard has a way of simplifying things without making them simplistic. His practical ideas on work – family balance are the best I’ve heard.”  
“At YPO (Young Presidents Organization) presenters or ‘resources’ are ranked from 1-10 by audiences. The Eyres are consistently
above 9.5 and have been the highest-rated family and life-balance resources for several years running.”
“The Eyres’ presentations empower rather than intimidate. I left their lecture feeling excited and confident abut being a better parent.”  
  “When the Eyres finish a speech, you feel like you’ve done more than listen. You’ve participated, you’ve been involved, you’ve got some new ideas.”

Please use this website to get more familiar with the Eyres and then contact them directly to book a speech (please do not contact them for support. Use the contact link at the bottom of each page for that).