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Linda and Richard Eyre continue to reach out to parents with sage advice on nurturing the family's value system.

-Dr. Phil

My guests today (the Eyres) have some really proven methods for teaching values to children. "I have a lot of respect for them because they have raised nine children.


I've known Richard and Linda Eyre for thirty years. They are very attractive personalities with magnificent messages. They walk their talk and have such practical, realistic ideas to help us in our families, in our life-balance, and in building values deep inside our own lives.

-Stephen Covey

Richard and Linda are the original creators and an ongoing integral part of YPO's most highly rated seminar "Raising Responsible Children". They have truly changed the lives of those who change the world by teaching their common sense, value-based lessons of parenting that truly make a difference. My wife and I have used their techniques for years now and they really work!

-Shep Moyle, International president, YPO (Young Presidents Organization)

I have long appreciated Richard Eyre's writing and his solid orientation to family values.

-Bill Marriott, CEO Marriott Corp.

We have known and admired the Eyre family for years. Their children, many of whom are friends with ours, are a testament to what Richard and Linda teach.

-Mitt and Ann Romney

The Eyres have presented three times to our chapter, one on "LifeBalance" one on "Relationships" and one on "Raising Responsible Kids and avoiding The Entitlement Trap."
The three events built on each other and the cumulative effect was like a full-fledged graduate course on the kind of family life we all want!" By all means, bring in the Eyres once, but if you can, add a second presentation, and a third!

-Eric Morgan, Entrepreneurs Organization (EO)

Around-the-World Speaking Tour

Beginning in 2004 and culminating in 2012, Richard and Linda recently completed six different global speaking tours, The first one was commemorated with the “tour T shirt” seen below. Subsequent tours in 06, 07, and 08 were throughout Australia and China, to India, and to all major centers in South East Asia. Early in 2010 the Eyres completed a speaking tour through the Middle East presenting in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan. In 2011 and 2012 their focus has been in Europe. Many of the locations were sponsored by the Young President’s Organization (YPO) and the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO). One of the objectives of all six tours was to celebrate the fact that whatever the cultural, political, racial, economic, religious, and societal differences might be from one part of the world to another, the feelings, hopes, and concerns of parents are virtually universal; and as families, we can all learn from each other.

Please use this website to get more familiar with the Eyres and then call them directly at (801) 541-4430 or fill out this contact form or visit