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Each week the Eyres post one tried and proven “Parenting Principle” (or sometimes a Marriage Principle) here on this page, and also on social media (Instagram @richardlindaeyre, Facebook @richardlindaeyre, and Twitter @richardeyre). Please follow, and invite your friends to do the same. Each week the brief, quotable parenting principle will appear with several links to articles, podcasts, videos, or radio and television appearances that give more ideas, instruction and inspiration on that principle.

March 12, 2018: How Do I Keep My Kids Close and United Over the Long Term?

Family Traditions and Rituals are the glue that holds families together and gives kids an identity larger than themselves.

For more thoughts and ideas on forming, maintaining, and improving your family traditions:

Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Video

March 5, 2018: Managing Kids’ Screen Time and Technology

The Number 1 parenting challenge in America, Europe, and Asia is controlling their children’s use of smartphones and social media, and parents who do not have a specific strategy will not succeed.

Studies show direct parallels between time spent on smartphones and the likelihood of kids’ depression, isolation, anxiety, and even suicide. But the biggest problem is the things excess screen time keeps away from – exercise, the out-of-doors, personal socializing, and a healthy awareness of the real world.

There is no one-size-fits-all parental approach, but those who think it through, discuss it with their kids, and develop a clear set of rules and limits seem to be doing fine, while parents who just “let it happen” usually have addicted kids with worsening problems.

Visit the links below to see practical approaches to this challenge and specific ideas for helping your children to understand the potential for addiction and the need to govern themselves.

Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Podcast

February 26, 2018: Five Great Reasons to Get Divorced

The five most common reasons for divorce are also the five things couples need to communicate better about if they want their marriages to flourish and last.

Learn more about the five reasons:

Video Article Podcast

February 19, 2018: Life In Full: Advice for Baby Boomers

The “Autumn” of our lives can be our richest most joyous season. It is the time that our attitude and approach begins to determine both our longevity and our legacy.

Families get truly beautiful when they operate as three generation entities. If you are a baby boomer, these links are for you! If you are a younger parent, send these links along to your parents and invite them to follow us on social media (or teach them what social media is!)

For more on this topic:

Article TV Appearance Video Podcast 1 Podcast 2 Book

February 12, 2018: How Do I Save My Kids from Bad Choices?

The worst time for kids to make choices is in the midst of peer pressure. Parents can create forward-thinking case studies that help children make important decisions in advance—and write them down and commit to them before the peer pressure comes.

We can 8-14-year-old kids anticipate difficult choices about smoking or drugs, about recreational sex or riding with a drinking driver. We can do this by making use of what every child has—a good imagination. Three steps: 1. Get your child a special diary and designate the last pages for “decisions in advance.” 2. Explain that it is better to think things through before they happen so we are not caught off guard. 3. Ask the child what decisions he or she can make now, even though he has not faced them yet—and have him write those decisions in the journal and date and sign each one. 4. Make up stories or case studies about the child a few years out—describe situations where he will face peer pressure to make a bad choice and ask what he will say or do.

For more on this topic:

Article 1 Article 2 Podcast

February 5, 2018: How Do I Replace My Kids’ Entitlement with Grit?

We give our kids more by giving them less. The best starting point is to replace allowances with a “family economy” (where kids have assigned jobs, and an account in a family bank) which helps them learn to earn, budget, save, and spend wisely.

For more on this topic:

Online Program Article Video 1 Video 2 Podcast

January 29, 2018: Is Equality the Right Goal for Marriage?

Marital equality is an elusive and sometimes competitive proposition. “Marital Oneness” is a better marital goal because it is built around complementary strengths, teamwork, mutual support, and synergy.

For more on this topic:

Article Video Podcast

January 22, 2018: Giving your Children Identity and Resilience

Kids who know things about their grandparents and great-grandparents—who understand their family narrative and where they came from—have a stronger sense of Identity and greater resilience. Carefully crafted “Ancestor Stories” can become your children’s favorite bedtime stories.

For more on this topic:

Article Video Podcast

January 15, 2018: Parenting or “Marriageing?”

Too many of us work harder on our parenting than on our “marriageing.” Our Spouse should come first because a good marriage always improves parenting, but it doesn’t necessarily work the other way around.

For more on this topic:

Video Podcast

January 8, 2018: How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex

There are two goals when we talk to our kids about sex: 1. help them avoid casual, dangerous, recreational sex, and 2. help them develop a positive, healthy attitude that will one day give them a great marital sexual relationship.

For more on this topic:

Video Online Program

January 1, 2018: Family Focused New Year’s Resolutions

The best and most difference-making New Year’s Resolutions are about our Families—about more time, more effort and more priority going into our marriages and our parenting.

For more on this topic:

Podcast 1 Podcast 2 Podcast 3